Update Details
Windows Mobile 10 Production Bundle - OS 10.0.14393.2551 update for all mobile phone devices
Last Modified: 10/9/2018
Size: 2972.0 MB
UpdateID: fe2cf5a2-ad1c-442a-8311-b2db96fe47a6
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Description: Windows 10 Mobile (10.0.14393.2551) - This update can help make your phone work even better
Architecture: Windows Mobile 10 Production: longTermServicingBranch: false , Windows Mobile 10 Production: OSVersion greaterthanorequalto 10.0.14393.67 , Windows Mobile 10 Production: deferral: true And OSVersion greaterthanorequalto 10.0.14393.67 , Windows Mobile 10 Production: Approved RS1CBB Device Targeting , Windows Mobile 10 Production: longTermServicingBranch: true , Windows Mobile 10 Production: deferral: true , Windows Mobile 10 Production:NPOP:::::CHT-TW:Nokia:RM-1049_1008 , Windows Mobile 10 Production:NPOP:::::000-88:Bluebird:WD , Windows Mobile 10 Production:NPOP:::::000-88:Bluebird:WC , Windows Mobile 10 Production:NPOP:::::000-88:Bluebird:EF500-WNLG , Windows Mobile 10 Production: Approved RS1 Device Targeting , WPBlue: Device Type: Retail , Windows Mobile 10 Production: OSVersion lessthan 10.0.14393.2551 , WPBlue: Session Type: Default , Windows Mobile 10 Production:NPMN:::::ACERINC:S58 , Windows Mobile 10 Production:NPOP:::::CHT-TW:MICROSOFTMDG:RM-1104_16025 , Windows Mobile 10 Production:NPOP:::::000-88:MICROSOFTMDG:RM-1104_16025 , Windows Mobile 10 Production:NPOP:::::000-88:Bluebird:EF500-W4LF
Classification: Critical Updates
Supported products: Windows Mobile 10 Production
Supported languages: all
MSRC Number: n/a
MSRC severity: n/a
KB article numbers: 100001
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